Driver Pinned on the Inner-Loop of I-495 at Kenilworth Avenue
At 0211 hours, Company 14 was dispatched to the Inner-loop of I-495 for reports of a vehicle overturned.
Engine Company 28 arrived on scene to confirm that the vehicle had overturned and that the driver had become pinned beneath the SUV.
Squad 14 arrived on scene and began stabilization of the vehicle. The Squad crew utilized 2 Paratech struts and a box crib to stabilize the rear of the vehicle that had come to rest precariously on the guardrail. Another box crib was utilized to stabilize the passenger side of the vehicle.
While the majority of the crew was stabilizing the vehicle, another crew member set up an airbag system to lift the vehicle off of the patients legs. For stabilizing and lifting it took approximately 13 minutes from start to finish to free the pinned driver.
Chief 14B had the rescue group. Company 14 was ready for service at 0232 hours.