Greenbelt Road Extrication
Nov 27th: At appx 1045am, while responding to a low-priority medical call in Old Greenbelt, Berwyn Heights VFD Ambulance 14 and its volunteer crew came across an accident on Greenbelt Road near the entrance to Greenbelt National Park, in which an SUV had crashed and run off the roadway down an embankment. The Ambulance crew radioed to Fire/EMS Communications requesting they be replaced on the medical call, and start the rescue assignment for one trapped. This alerted BHVFD Rescue Squad 14 and Chief 14B (Kiernan) to respond to assist the Ambulance crew. Once the additional units from BHVFD arrived, Chief 14B established incident command, while the volunteer crews from the Rescue Squad worked to stabilize the vehicle and remove the driver side doors using our Amkus hydraulic rescue tools. Once the doors were removed crews were able to free the driver and transfer them to the awaiting Ambulance crew.