Ladder Truck Handles Berwyn Heights Commerical Fire
April 17th- At around 1 pm, Ladder Truck 14 and its blended career & volunteer crew were alerted as the first due truck responds to the 6200 block of Greenbelt Road for the reported building fire. Truck 14 arrived within 90 seconds of being dispatched to find fire showing from the roof of a four-story commercial building, and requested the working fire dispatch. Upon further investigation, the fire was located to be in a high voltage wire chute on the side bravo of the building. After power was secured by PEPCO, the truck crew opened up with the engine companies and extinguished the fire. The crew of Truck 14 operated for approximately one and a half hours before returning to service. Glenn Dale VFD Rescue Engine 18 was transferred to Station 14 to cover the area during the incident.